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Healthy Living - Sophie Hellyer

Healthy Living - Sophie Hellyer, Cold-Water Swimmer & Founder of Rise Fierce


Sophie grew up in Devon (UK) and loved the water from a young age. She became a champion surfer and model in her late teens but, as her career has progressed, she has pushed for a more inclusive surfing culture, with particular focus on feminism and diverse representation. She has also become a prominent spokesperson on ocean pollution, sustainability and ethical fashion. Sophie has written about these topics for publications such as The IndependentGQ MagazineGlamour and Surf Girl. She even gave a TEDx talk in which she flashed her menstrual cup. Sophie founded Rise Fierce, a cold-water swimming community which empowers women through wild swimming and kinship. Currently living by the sea in Cornwall (UK), she regularly hosts Rise Fierce retreats across the UK – incorporating wild swimming, surfing, yoga and women’s circles – where she encourages other women to jump in and rise up. Sophie is also a qualified instructor for surfing, SUP, open-water-swimming and yoga, as well as a lifeguard at her local beach. 


Can you tell us a little about what you do and your background?


A few years ago I founded Rise Fierce, a cold-water swimming community which empowers women through wild swimming and kinship. I currently live by the sea in Cornwall (UK), and regularly host Rise Fierce retreats across the UK – incorporating wild swimming, surfing, yoga and women’s circles – where I encourages other women to jump in and rise up. I’m also a qualified instructor for surfing, SUP, open-water-swimming and yoga, as well as a lifeguard at my local beach.


You are a cold water swimmer – can you tell us about the benefits you get from this?


You may have heard that cold water swimming is known to boost fitness, mood, the immune system and libido. New studies are even showing that it could slow the onset of dementia, and cure depression and anxiety.

Whilst there are a wealth of anecdotal benefits to cold water swimming, scientists don’t yet know exactly why these beneficial impacts occur. It could be because of cold water itself, or due to the ‘Blue/Green therapy’ of being outdoors, social inclusion, or that the cold swim simply distracts people from their problems.

The current theory is that the vagal nerve stimulation + serotonin release that occurs when in cold water can decrease the inflammatory response, which in turn may have beneficial effects on symptoms of depressive disorders and other health issues linked to inflammation, such as Alzheimer's and type-2 diabetes.

Regardless of the science, a cold dip makes me feel amazing, and most of all it’s fun!


Where is your favourite place to swim?


I love swimming all over the place but the ocean is definitely my favourite. Anywhere secluded.

Do you have any advice for anyone looking to take the plunge and start cold water swimming?


Don’t feel pressurised to go without a wetsuit, staying safe is the most important thing and it’s still exhilarating with a wetsuit on.

It’s also good to wear a brightly coloured swim hat (and a tow-float if in you’re in flat water) so that you’re visible. Studies on visual contrast show bright orange is the best colour to be seen in the water.


Our latest drop, Common Blue, is inspired by the tempestuous and ever-changing cool blues of the North Sea. How does the sea inspire you?


The sea inspires just about everything I do. It’s given me my career, my friends, somewhere that feels like hope and endless amounts of joy. I love the ocean and I want everyone to be able to enjoy it.


You are passionate about the environment and sustainability, what do you do to ensure you help this cause daily?


A lot of my work is around protecting the oceans and promoting their wellbeing, and I try to use my social media accounts to educate and encourage people to live a bit more sustainably.


Any mindfulness tips you could share with us?


I love using the Headspace app for some quick, calming breath work.


Do you have any uplifting album/playlist recommendations that you can share with us?


I love this song before a surf: HAIM - Now I'm In It  


What are you currently reading?


Ghosts by Dolly Alderton


Follow Sophie on Instagram: @sophiehellyer



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