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Healthy Living - Emma Hoareau

What are you doing to stay positive in this current climate?
Taking count of things to be grateful for, and also trying to not put the pressure on myself.
What are your top 3 Winter skin care tips?

Our skin gets so dry in winter so adding an oil into your evening routine really helps combat this. Another is to use a hydrating face mask once or twice a week to nourish the skin deeply. And third is still wear spf daily! If you can see without the lights on then UV rays are around - and the blue light from our screens can damage skin too.

Could you share some WFH/quick Zoom beauty wins with us?

I think an easy - but bright- lip stain is a great way to wake up any face! Also just cleansed, glowing skin with a little concealer and highlight.

Do you have any advice for keeping our skin healthy whilst wearing our masks?

Making sure you wash the masks weekly! And using a good salicylic acid product to help unclog pores - the best way to prevent breakouts.
Do you have any advice for keeping our skin healthy whilst wearing our masks?

Making sure you wash the masks weekly! And using a good salicylic acid product to help unclog pores - the best way to prevent breakouts.

What is your WFH attire?

Wool leggings and an oversized jumper. I love having a throw around my shoulder when it gets colder too.

Meditation/Relaxation tips?

I love using Headspace, an app I've used for years. Drinking adaptogen hot chocolate and taking long baths helps too.
Have you learned anything new about yourself during this time?
Absolutely. That slowing down isn't a bad thing. Appreciating little things in life is what it's actually all about.
Follow Emma on Instagram @emmahoareau
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Healthy Living
